Being Successful and Stressed – The Journey to Shangri La – Stress Management Part 22

By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator
Many people today commute by car for a total of almost four hours a day to and from work. No easy task. Others must commute for business a few times per month or only once in a while. While the stress of driving yourself is removed, commuting as a passenger holds its own brand of stress, but fortunately, it’s possible to mitigate these effects to a great degree. Below is a list of some things you can do to eliminate some of that stress both physically and for fun and well-being. Good organization is key.
-Make sure that your briefcase, handbag, or carry-on is absolutely organized and streamlined for maximum efficiency so that it only contains essentials. Always empty anything out at the end of the day that doesn’t belong in it and replace items that are essential.
-Create organization by using color coded small zippered pouches available at dollar stores so that at an instant you can retreat what you need with as little fuss as possible. You want to reduce that frantic state of not being able to find things like documents or other necessities. *For airplane commutes, pack your handbag or briefcase and carry-on according to airport regulations
-Include a small first aid kit; cough drops, breath mints; small non-noisy, non-messy snacks, small bottle of water.
-Earbuds to listen to music or books on tape
-small sized hand lotion; small sized hand sanitizer, unscented is best in public.
-small paperback novel or puzzle book; magazine clippings that you have been wanting to read in a
Zip lock bag.
-small pouch for travel tickets and any ID cards.
-Antibacterial wipes
Space can be cramped on long commutes making one very uncomfortable so it’s essential to wear comfortable shoes which can be changed later if needed. Tune in next month to see what you can do to be more physically comfortable and relieve anxiety while on those commuter trips. Even in a cramped space relief is possible.
Being Successful And Stressed Is Brought To You By Quick-Seat Chair.