
If Quick-Seat Chairs Could Talk

Temporary Seating That Closes Itself !

If Quick-Seat Chairs Could Talk

By Khadi Madama Wellness Coordinator for Quick-Seat Chair

We’ve all heard that old saying, “Every picture tells a story, or a picture is worth a thousand words.” Each time I sit down to write about the Quick-Seat Chair, the image of a single Quick-Seat Chair, which has been installed in a myriad of places, comes to mind. Each image is a view of the Quick-Seat Chair aesthetically closed up-folded against its supporting wall, awaiting its next guest. Then there are the photos we’ve received with people happily seated and awaiting their appointment or simply having a short breather before starting back up on a longer-than-expected walk down a labyrinth of corridors.

We love the stories that we get from happy clients because Quick-Seat Chair saved the day on one occasion or another. Over the years Quick-Seat Chairs have been installed in just about every environment from outdoor trails, to tiny cubicles, long airport corridors, elevators, health care facilities, veterinarian offices, industrial sites, government offices, and last but not least, emergency medical transport vehicles.

But it’s the backstories that we truly love and appreciate.  We love it when a client writes to tell us that having a quick-seat chair or two in her veterinarian clinic has made it ever so much easier for pet owners to stay with their pets more comfortably during treatment. We know how much that means to people. What about the nice people who have fatigue set upon them in a medical complex when they have to walk from one section to another? That little moment of respite to catch their breath, quiet their thoughts, and be able to rest an ankle or knee can be such a comfort, and we’re always happy to hear their stories. Other people may not realize what relief can be found for others when they are lucky enough to not have any mobility or cardio/respiratory problems, but they report that they were relieved to find a quick-seat chair for their loved one who needed to sit.  For those individuals who happen to be where a discerning management team has seen the value that the hospitality of a quick-seat chair can offer, know firsthand that it is a haven. These people all have meaningful stories, and it was with them in mind that the Quick-Seat Chair was invented.

We love the stories from folks who have had to leave a loved one waiting for them in a crowded hallway, but a Quick-Seat Chair was on hand and dispelled their worry. The relief of that alone is worth a thousand words.  We’re happy that Quick-Seat Chairs are bought and installed by compassionate, intelligent people who want to provide the best hospitality that they can to their clients, guests, and patients. They are discerning and understand the value that a Quick-Seat Chair can provide. And, we’re happy about the stories, too, that are simply from people who had to wait for a long haul in their favorite take-out fast-food place. No emergency, no injury, just hunger at rush hour, but when they spied a Quick-Seat Chair on the premises, their hungry hearts were glad of it. In an era of the delivery of so many things like food and other products, Quick-Seat Chairs deliver a different kind of comfort. The kind that can’t help but have a story with a happy ending.

Quick-Seat Chairs. Temporary Seating That Closes Itself

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