Being Successful And Stressed – The Journey To Shangri La – The Quick-Seat Chair Stress Management Program Part : 20

By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator
Professional Desk Companion: Your Journal
Section 4: COMFORTS
This section is designed with your comfort in mind. Here to help you navigate around the day-to-day, unchangeable stress of the work environment, unforeseen events, and other miscellaneous difficulties, these tools will provide you with solutions to guide you through calmer, more productive, and enjoyable days at your job.
- Does your office lack windows? Does it have good lighting?
- Do you feel that your lunch break time could be used more enjoyably?
- Do you feel that your commute time is causing you unnecessary stress?
- Do you often find that your mind is racing and you are unable to focus?
Sit quietly when you are away from work. Allow your mind to visualize the most peaceful, calm place that you can imagine. You are alone, with no one to disturb you. You feel very close to the source of all that is good. Your body feels comfortable, as if it no longer has to struggle. Your breath is calm and moving in its harmony. All around you, the scenery is beautiful and peaceful.
Now open this section and write out your “Calm Scene” exactly as you imagined it. Exactly how you want it to be. This is the first comfort tool that you will learn to use to start your day, finish your day, or use it whenever you need it. This is an inner landscape where there is no time. For that reason, once you learn it, you can mentally enter the space where it only takes 15 seconds to have a calming effect. For those few seconds, no one will even know you are practicing what Houdini practiced before each of his famous escapes. See what else awaits you in this section of useful and fun tips. Think happy thoughts and feel better. It works like magic. This blog series is brought to you by
Quick-Seat Chair, Temporary Seating That Closes Itself