
Tag: Stressmanagement

Temporary Seating That Closes Itself !

Being Successful And Stressed – The Journey To Shangri La –  The Quick-Seat Chair Stress Management Program Part : 20

Professional Desk Companion: Your Journal Section 4: COMFORTS This section is designed with your comfort in mind. Here to help you navigate around the day-to-day, unchangeable stress of the work environment, unforeseen events, and other miscellaneous difficulties, these tools will provide you with solutions to guide you through calmer, more productive, and enjoyable days at…
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The Journey to Shangri La – The Quick-Seat Chair Stress Management Program Part : 19

Professional Desk Companion: Your Journal Section 3: THE TASK LOG The goal of this section is to keep a list of your completed tasks and the tasks set up for the next day. The purpose of this “listicle” is so that by the end of the day or weekend, you can leave work at work!…
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Being Successful And Stressed – The Journey To Shangri La –  The Quick-Seat Chair Stress Management Program Part : 21

Professional Desk Companion: Your Journal: Section 4: COMMUTING WHETHER IN YOUR AUTO How to Beat the Stress of Commuting The old quote: “Happiness is a way of travel, not a means to an end,” expresses the right idea. We can choose to be relaxed and comfortable or we can choose that everything and everyone is…
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Quick-Seat Chair Presents When Sitting & Waiting Are Stressful: Relief

by Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator One of the most difficult things to do is to wait, especially when you’re away from home. When we are out and have an unexpected wait time at the doctor’s office, or anywhere where we didn’t expect to have to wait at all, there isn’t a lot to…
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Being Successful and Stressed – The Journey to Shangri La – Stress Management Part 22

REDUCING COMMUNTOR STRESS ABOARD A BUS, TRAIN OR PLANE Many people today commute by car for a total of almost four hours a day to and from work. No easy task. Others must commute for business a few times per month or only once in a while. While the stress of driving yourself is removed,…
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