
Being Successful and Stressed the Journey to Shangri La – Stress Management Part 23

Temporary Seating That Closes Itself !

Being Successful and Stressed the Journey to Shangri La – Stress Management Part 23

By Khadi Madama

Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator

What We Keep in Our Desks in Order to Feel Great On the Job

The more that you can contribute to your own well-being with a well-stocked desk or personal area, the less you will experience stress of the type that can be avoided.  As you already know, stress falls into categories such as: Job Stress from production demands and Job Stress that is environmental and may not be able to be changed, and Job Stress that can be controlled. Once you how to navigate around the murky waters of the stress you can control within the work environment by being prepared, you will see improvement. Here’s our list to get started:

•Good working pens and other needed supplies.

•Small sewing kit in case a seam rips.

•Extra stockings for the ladies.

•Grooming aides: emery board, breath mints, sample size mouthwash, make-up, toothbrush, hand lotion.

•Your own stash of hot water add-ins such as: flavored decaf coffee, herbal tea, cocoa, broth, and soup.

•Your own nice mug and utensils.

•Fun things to play with on break time such as puzzles, tops, cards, etc.

•Blank note cards to keep in touch with loved ones during break time.

•Mini first aid kit with band aids, pain relief medication.

•Light snacks and light reading for breaks. (Keep clippings of recipes, articles you want to read, small pocket books on a favorite subject. Find them at the grocery check out).

If you don’t have your own desk, remember that you can keep these in a locker, or in a locking carry-all in a closet.  We’ve put all of these to use, tried them in otherwise grim circumstances to test their effectiveness and helping to make your 8 hour work day as comfortable as possible. Each item can aide you in not feeling cut off from some simple necessities that will make your life better in your 8 hour “home away from home.”

Being Successful And Stressed Is Brought To You By Quick-Seat Chair. Quick-Seat Chair. Temporary Seating That Closes Itself.

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