
Quick-Seat Chair Rail Journeys On The Trail Of The Blue Comet

Temporary Seating That Closes Itself !

Quick-Seat Chair Rail Journeys On The Trail Of The Blue Comet

By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator

Today, I’m on the trail of the elusive Blue Comet train, a legendary steam engine in Lakehurst, N J’s history. So hop aboard and let’s discover the secrets about The Blue Comet. We’ve got just the right blue colored Quick-Seat Chairs to match!  It seems that there are still a few people around who remember old tales about this iconic train in the natural and rough country of the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. They remember it being a luxury train of great speed that transported passengers from northern and southern parts of the state, winding its way around, in what was then resort towns such as Lakewood and Lakehurst. These local historians report that the Blue Comet was a lavish and opulent train for the rich. While others watched as it went by, giving an “if only” sigh, the Blue Comet steamed along in the days, where the yet unexpected Great Depression loomed just ahead.  It would be the demise of this blue-heaven-on-wheels ride often referred to as a dream, and a hotel on wheels.  With an impressive formal dining car and mouthwatering menu, it is now where we start to discover what is missing on board this heavenly rolling realm. Seating! It’s always about seating. Seating whenever and wherever you need it, to be close by for safety’s sake.

Let’s imagine that we’re passengers in 1929 and we’re very comfortable wherever we are amid the sixty-four cars that make up its length. However, our cousins are on the train, too, ten cars away and we want to go see how they’re doing. Or, we want to get down to the Observation car to see the passing scenery. Its quite a distance walking the lengths of these cars. Like I’ve said so many times before in my explanation of the part Quick-Seat Chairs can play in safety, security and comfort, how do these architects simply not see the need for temporary seating along the way. Seating is a vital component of social courtesy and safety and yet so often store designs, train designs, ferries, super yachts and other public areas seem to be out of touch with the population of ambulatory guests who still may need to rest on the spot when they are out of their own daily rounds. Many seem to be more interested in the aesthetic appearance than the possibility of an emergency. Sure they place benches or a couple of easy chairs near plants under elevators to sit and wait for a shopping buddy to finally finish trying on the perfect shade of lipstick, but what about all the other times when someone may really be  in trouble and needs to sit, NOW?

For many average people with minor aches and pains, who get along just fine walking or playing sports, there is always that unexpected back twinge, or the need to catch one’s breath after a bout of bronchitis. Where do they go? Floor designs are mostly interested in looking good, not for when someone is in the trenches with a trick knee acting up. I know all about that. Had it happen just yesterday after a stretch of trimming the front sidewalk overgrowth. Felt great, went out to dinner, came home and there it was. The lower back facial adhesions kicked in. It was awful. All I had to do was to just sit down for under a minute. Which I did. And then it was gone. What would I have done if I had been out shopping? Our local Aldi’s doesn’t have one place, not one spot, not one bench either outside or inside the store. See what I mean?  A Quick-Seat Chair or two or three will save the day.

“Each car had a drinking fountain provided by the North Pole Sanitary Drinking Fountain company of Chicago. Collapsible cone-shaped paper cups with the train’s logo were available via a dispenser above the fountain. Coaches were fitted out with 64 individual seats which rotated, nickel-plated coat hooks and umbrella holders mounted to the back of the seats. Upholstery was Persian Blue, rendered in figured mohair. The observation car seats were triple-cushioned, 48 rattan lounge chairs in silver and blue, lining either side.”

The excerpt above is from a description of the beauty, spared nothing, of this train and will inspire an image of how gorgeous it was, but even better, it will give you an image of, a water cooler being more important than a safety station,, replete with a Quick-Seat Chair, where if one were in need, could be brought a glass of water on a tray from the train’s wait staff! Passengers aboard any train should be able to sit no matter where they are, especially traversing long train corridors from one car to another if their lumbago acts up. This is not an old tale told by those who remember, this is about now, even in our modern railway systems, where a Quick-Seat Chair could just be the best traveling companion ever.

Temporary Seating that closes itself

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