
Quick-Seat Chair in Hollywood: The Millionaire TV Series.

Temporary Seating That Closes Itself !

Quick-Seat Chair in Hollywood: The Millionaire TV Series.

By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator

When I was a kid growing up in the 1950’s and 60’s, there was a popular television series, The Millionaire. Mysteriously, each week a well-dressed polite stranger would arrive at a new home or apartment, ring the front door bell and introduced himself. He was Mr. Anthony, played by Marvin Miller. Briefly, he would explain who he was, that he represented Mr. John Beresford Tipton, a man of great wealth who selects various people to whom he gives one million dollars. He then produced a check in that sum of money, leaving the person who is holding it, dumbfounded. Who wouldn’t be. Millions of viewers across the country were left dumbfounded with each weekly check for one mill’  and secretly wishing that Mr. Tipton was real and that they were next in line to receive a check, too. Even at ten years old I was wishing I had that cool million and it struck a cord in me.

And as an adult today, it still strikes a cord, but one with a new slant. What if people started receiving Quick-Seat Chairs out of the blue? As a former TV producer it goes a long way in my imagination to conjure up a series where health clinics in out of the way places in the world, or people on limited retirement money, poor old country doctors out in rural America, Doctors Without Borders, and far away military installations, hearing a knock at the door and Quick-Seat Chairs showing up to make their days more comfortable. What a treat. What a way to feel like a millionaire and to live a little closer to being one.

The television series aired from 1955-1960. That’s a whole lot of million dollar checks and it would have been a whole lot of Quick-Seat Chairs out there in the world making the world a little bit safer and lots more comfortable in places where seating is limited due to space and durability problems. After all, they hold up, and they hold YOU up! Quick-Seat Chairs are sturdy like the Rock of Gibraltar, and were designed for high-use areas. As long-lived as the sand in the Sahara.

There’s an old Oriental saying that if you give a person a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he will eat forever.  In our case, one single Quick-Seat Chair installed in the right place, can provide relief from temporary fatigue,  sudden shortness of breath and unexpected pain. Plus reduce risk of a fall for countless individuals who come along the same path for countless times. Quick-Seat Chairs aren’t frilly, but they are sturdy, need no maintenance, are as simple as apple pie to use, and are able to utilize space in a way that would rival NASA. You can, of course, drink a toast while sitting atop a Quick-Seat Chair, so here’s to you, Quick-Seat Chair! Well done. With or without that visit from Mr. Anthony, with a Quick-Seat Chair placed where you need it, you’ll always feel like a million!

Temporary Seating that closes itself

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