
Quick-Seat Chair & The Standing Room Only Job With Thanks To The Leverage TV Series

Temporary Seating That Closes Itself !

Quick-Seat Chair & The Standing Room Only Job With Thanks To The Leverage TV Series

By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator

Well, there I was one fine summer night when New Jersey still had an opera season in Princeton. I had just discovered that one of my favorite operas was playing that evening. Checking the clock, I would have just enough time to put on my ‘going to the opera’ dress and fly on the wings of time, herself,to get there in time for the opening act. It was, after all, Verdi’s Aida and I certainly didn’t want to miss the first act. When I got there, just in the nick of time, I was told those three unsavory words that no opera fan wants to hear. Standing Room Only. Yes, it was at a juicy little ticket price of only $15.00 but I’d have to stand for almost 4 hours in the balcony section atop the theater. Well, I wasn’t going to turn around, not with Aida just about to begin. My innocent mind back there in the 1990’s was thinking, “It’ll be OK, its a very wide circular hallway that circumvents the entire theatre, there must be a few comfortable benches somewhere up there. Wrong! This aerial realm had nothing but rails to keep one from falling into the tiers of stairs below. Mind you, this was a prominent theater. One of the most beautiful and prestigious theaters on the eastern seaboard. The worst thing was I seemed to be the only patron in Standing Room Only because I was up there all by myself. Was I  that one lonely last person who bought a ticket? I’ll bet there was at least one open seat down below left by someone who decided not to attend that evening. But, it was certainly off limits since Aida had already begun with Act 1.

Quick-Seat Chairs in all of their finery, weren’t invented yet. So no hope of any relief of that kind. Quick-Seat Chairs wouldn’t be invented and on the market until 2013 and although my almost 4 hour  Standing Room Only opera time was going to feel like more than 15 years for that happy day, I was just going to have to stick it out. This is, I’m sure, how so many people feel today when they’ve had to walk a long corridor in a medical or industrial complex, or arrived at the 24 hr. emergency care center which is full to the brim and ‘standing room only.’ You’ve been there too! In fact, I remember that there was an elevator-the ONLY elevator, at a convention center in the Poconos where I attended a convention every year. There we would all be, standing in front of the elevator waiting for the carriage to return, with that song from the old ketchup commercial playing in our heads with the hungry person having to wait for the ketchup to finally flow down to the top of the bottle. The song “Anticipation” playing in the background. Every year we all anticipated that the convention center would have had a whole year to get the elevator fixed, but no. Not even after 10 years which is what it was starting to feeling like in the Standing Room Only area at the opera. Even the delightful appearance of a real live elephant and camel on stage couldn’t relieve the discomfort I was feeling in my lower back. I was wearing high-heels.

With hind sight now, I ask myself, what would the Leverage TV Series Team do about this lack of seating? It’s simple, they would have disguised themselves to look like theater ushers, sneaked the Quick-Seat Chairs up the service elevator and in the blink of an eye, or several eyes, installed about 10 Quick-Seat Chairs before anyone entered the room to find them. The Quick-Seat  Chairs would have been in our standard Copper Vein color to match the wall panels and the crew the next day would simply have thought that it was just a new feature added the day before. “Easy Peasy.” Remember this is all fantasy so I can imagine all I want!

In real life, Quick-Seat  Chairs don’t require a special Leverage Installation Team, disguises or special equipment since Quick-Seat Chairs require only standard tools and install just about anywhere without  it becoming a renovation project. And, just like in my fantasy at the opera where the Quick-Seat Chairs got installed around that big circular railing, when next I come across a lack of seating at the opera,  and find myself in Standing Room Only, I will recommend Quick-Seat Chairs to the establishment to accommodate dedicated opera fans. Like I do now when I’m out and about. Dedication shouldn’t have to equal fall risk and fatigue discomfort.  I wouldn’t be surprised some day to find an opera featuring a Quick-Seat Chair some time in the future. And Standing Room Only replaced with a Quick-Seat Chair lounge! Just finding one when you really need to sit is a special kind of theater all in and of itself!

Quick-Seat Chair. Temporary Seating That Closes Itself.

Temporary Seating that closes itself

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