Something To Do While Waiting: The Healthy Vision Board

By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator
By Khadi Madama
Wellness Writer for Quick-Seat Chair
Most people became aware of and interested in vision boards back in the early ’90s, and today they are still a popular and useful tool to reach goals and stay on top of your progress. They are used by entrepreneurs, people with health and wellness goals, and self-employed individuals to help them complete projects and a variety of other goal oriented desires. Canva and are two online websites that have ready made templates to create your own vision board, as well. I, however, prefer to go it alone free-hand and to have fun with scissors, glue and pictures on the page of a large artist’s sketch pad.
Right off the mark they are calming to create because your mind is focused on one subject and your hands aren’t idle. The best combination for stress relief which should be your top priority. Since waiting for any prolonged period of time causes stress and strain, I believe that creating a vision board on something that is easy to fold and tuck away in a briefcase or purse is probably a great way to keep focused on something positive rather than having your mind go awry into the worry zone. You can always make a more solid vision board at home but do make one you can keep with you that you can add too even when you’re waiting somewhere, like when sitting on a Quick-Seat Chair. You’ll be surprised how less stressed you will feel.
Let’s go:
Put a circle in the center of the board where you will put a picture of yourself looking happy.
Next make a list of your health goals. Keep them reasonable and break them down into steps, levels or segments. Rather than stating, I want to go to bed early. Break it down into steps. Show the steps of how you will change your habit little by little to achieve your goal, such as turn off the TV and mobile by a certain time. Paste a picture of a comfortable bed in another section of your board, and draw a line to your picture in the center of the board. Add an affirmation that you always find soothing to the board and commit it to memory to say when needed.
If your goal to walk or run on a regular basis, draw a line out to another circle on the board and paste an image or hand sketch if you can, new sport foot ware, add a list of short doable routes to take and anything else to accomplish your goal.
Need to loose some weight? Don’t think big, think small. Create another section on the board for how you will healthily cut out a few calories a day until you’ve lost 5 lbs, then the next 5 lbs. Think small to achieve big and draw lines to your happy picture from that section. How about adding some visual images of the foods that you can eat as much of as you want such as carrots, celery, and so on. An inviting visual cue is more helpful than not having one.
You can ad other segments on your board such as massage, and other healthy spa treatments that help you feel better as well.
Remember to keep your main vision board at home where you see it, then make a paper version to keep with you that you can easily unfold and focus on while you’re sitting and waiting somewhere. Time is precious. We at Quick-Seat Chair support your wellness efforts. Should you find yourself having to wait while sitting on a Quick-Seat Chair or anywhere, spend time on helping yourself feel better. And stay tuned for more self-care and wellness tips to enjoy. Quick-Seat Chairs will keep you secure, comfortable and safe.