
Author: Khadi Madama

Temporary Seating That Closes Itself !

Something To Do While Waiting: The Healthy Vision Board

By Khadi Madama Wellness Writer for Quick-Seat Chair Most people became aware of and interested in vision boards back in the early ’90s, and today they are still a popular and useful tool to reach goals and stay on top of your progress. They are used by entrepreneurs, people with health and wellness goals, and…
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Quick-Seat Chair & The Standing Room Only Job

With Thanks To The Leverage TV Series Well, there I was one fine summer night when New Jersey still had an opera season in Princeton. I had just discovered that one of my favorite operas was playing that evening. Checking the clock, I would have just enough time to put on my ‘going to the…
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Quick-Seat Chairs: Something To Do While Waiting

When The Maltese Falcon was released in Hollywood in 1941 starring Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor along with a thrilling cast of characters, no one could have known that one of the lines spoken by Bogart’s character, Sam Spade, would become a catch phrase. Movie-goers also wouldn’t have guessed that in the last segment of…
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Quick-Seat Chair & The Standing Room Only Job With Thanks To The Leverage TV Series

Well, there I was one fine summer night when New Jersey still had an opera season in Princeton. I had just discovered that one of my favorite operas was playing that evening. Checking the clock, I would have just enough time to put on my ‘going to the opera’ dress and fly on the wings…
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Good Things Come To Those Who Wait:While Sitting On A Quick-Seat Chair. The “S” Factor

With a place to sit in all those difficult places, but to actually help you sit better for improved health, breathing and body alignment. The way it works is that if we are sitting with bad posture, your internal organs can get cramped, especially your lungs which, if compressed by bad posture, cannot open to…
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A Quick-Seat Chair Hollywood Series Story: Judy Garland

Back a million years ago when I was first starting out in the world of health care to become a recreational therapist, I found myself in a course that was taught by a woman who had started out in television and film way back in the golden era of television. She loved to illustrate various…
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Creating Special Places with Quick-Seat Chair

Quick-Seat Chairs have a knack for being able to insinuate themselves into unique spaces while adding their own special quality. Take, for instance, when people decide to downsize from their larger homes or living spaces but still want to enjoy the activities they had before. Such is the case with a client who recently moved…
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Crosswords and Quick-Seat Chair

If you’re like me, you love doing crossword puzzles. For years before the Quick-Seat Chair came into my life, I would often see the crossword clue “four letter word for elevator person,” and I would be absolutely stumped. And, I’d have to get out my trusty, dog-eared crossword solver dictionary to find out what it…
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Quick-Seat Chairs: Something To Do While Waiting

When The Maltese Falcon was released in Hollywood in 1941 starring Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor along with a thrilling cast of characters, no one could have known that one of the lines spoken by Bogart’s character, Sam Spade, would become a catch phrase. Movie-goers also wouldn’t have guessed that in the last segment of…
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Quick-Seat Chair Takes A Fictional Trip In Dr. Who’s TARDIS

As a diehard fan of the legendary Dr. Who television series since the 1960’s and seeing every single episode ever made since then, it’s hard for me not to relate my TV/Movie world with my everyday reality, which is how the Quick-Seat Time Travel Chronicles got started a few years back, chronicling time travel adventures…
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