
Author: Khadi Madama

Temporary Seating That Closes Itself !

Sneaking Around with Quick-Seat  Chair

There’s a science to sneaking around, all kidding aside. Recently, while fueling up at the gas station, I noticed that there was a contest going on. The Shoe Surgeon, a boutique sneaker design and lifestyle company, was running a design-a-sneaker contest with participation through one of the major candy bar companies. Since Quick-Seat Chairs are…
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Quick-Seat Chair and The ABC’s Of Sitting: Accessibility, Benefit, Comfort

You can’t judge a book by it’s cover, but you know the ABC’s about Quick-Seat Chairs the moment you open one. We all learn our ABC’s early in life through songs and writing drills. We can even learn them while eating alphabet soup where “C” stands for crackers. But most of the time we don’t…
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Quick-Seat Chair – Out And About Walking A Labyrinth For Health – Christ’s Church Cathedral

I love to get out and about to see how people are getting along getting to where they need to get, or enjoying sports and other leisure activities. Because I’m always in what is known as, The Cat-Bird’s Seat, meaning that as someone in the health care industry I’m always extra observant to people’s well-being…
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Quick-Seat Chair Rail Journeys On The Trail Of The Blue Comet

Today, I’m on the trail of the elusive Blue Comet train, a legendary steam engine in Lakehurst, N J’s history. So hop aboard and let’s discover the secrets about The Blue Comet. We’ve got just the right blue colored Quick-Seat Chairs to match!  It seems that there are still a few people around who remember…
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Quick-Seat Chair Presents When Sitting & Waiting Are Stressful: Relief

by Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator One of the most difficult things to do is to wait, especially when you’re away from home. When we are out and have an unexpected wait time at the doctor’s office, or anywhere where we didn’t expect to have to wait at all, there isn’t a lot to…
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Nero Wolfe and Quick-Seat Chair Solves The Case

If Quick-Seat Chairs could talk, they would have some great stories to tell.  As a fan of Nero Wolfe author, Rex Stout, and having written a couple of Nero Wolfe stories myself, I can think of one story in particular where Quick-Seat Chairs could really tell a story. So I’ll tell you exactly what the…
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Being Successful and Stressed the Journey to Shangri La – Stress Management Part 23

By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator What We Keep in Our Desks in Order to Feel Great On the Job The more that you can contribute to your own well-being with a well-stocked desk or personal area, the less you will experience stress of the type that can be avoided.  As you already know,…
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The New Quick-Seat Chair Vintage Rail Journey Series All Aboard! The Flying Scotsman

Being a lover of all things ‘railroad’ with fondest memories of riding the rails in overnight sleeper cars to Florida as a child, it’s impossible for me to watch a movie that takes place on a train and not notice how much more comfortable the crew and wait staffs would be if only they had…
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Even On A Hollywood Hospital Film Set Columbo Can’t Find A Place To Sit

When I first began working in the health care industry back in the late ’70’s, I was so happy to be in a field where I could make a difference, and grateful that I worked for a company that invited, welcomed and shared my zeal for innovative ideas to improve the lives of those in…
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Being Successful And Stressed – The Journey To Shangri La –  The Quick-Seat Chair Stress Management Program Part : 21

Professional Desk Companion: Your Journal: Section 4: COMMUTING WHETHER IN YOUR AUTO How to Beat the Stress of Commuting The old quote: “Happiness is a way of travel, not a means to an end,” expresses the right idea. We can choose to be relaxed and comfortable or we can choose that everything and everyone is…
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