Quick-Seat Chairs & The Walking Book Club. Now, why didn’t I think of this back then when I was ‘wellness coordinating’ in the field. Goodness knows I’d thought of everything else including the walking Art Detectives Club. So then, how could I resist delving more into this topic. At Quick-Seat Chair we are concerned with,…
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They’ve been here in my home since the early 1980’s when I bought them from a friend. She had bought them years before from a reputable antique dealer and then had them in storage and never used them. And, there they sat until she was having a clean out and I happened by for a…
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When I first began working in the health care industry back in the late ’70’s, I was so happy to be in a field where I could make a difference, and grateful that I worked for a company that invited, welcomed and shared my zeal for innovative ideas to improve the lives of those in…
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by Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator One of the most difficult things to do is to wait, especially when you’re away from home. When we are out and have an unexpected wait time at the doctor’s office, or anywhere where we didn’t expect to have to wait at all, there isn’t a lot to…
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By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator What We Keep in Our Desks in Order to Feel Great On the Job The more that you can contribute to your own well-being with a well-stocked desk or personal area, the less you will experience stress of the type that can be avoided. As you already know,…
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Being a lover of all things ‘railroad’ with fondest memories of riding the rails in overnight sleeper cars to Florida as a child, it’s impossible for me to watch a movie that takes place on a train and not notice how much more comfortable the crew and wait staffs would be if only they had…
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By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator Can you imagine carrying one of those heavy nuclear accelerator backpacks on your back through long corridors in the Millennium Biltmore, known as the Sedgewick Hotel in the Ghostbusters movie, where it’s obvious there isn’t one place to sit while you’re either chasing or being chased by all…
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Professional Desk Companion: Your Journal Section 4: COMFORTS This section is designed with your comfort in mind. Here to help you navigate around the day-to-day, unchangeable stress of the work environment, unforeseen events, and other miscellaneous difficulties, these tools will provide you with solutions to guide you through calmer, more productive, and enjoyable days at…
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By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator As a kid, I loved to watch monster movies on Saturday mornings. I can’t explain this attachment, which has followed me well into adulthood. So much so that every Saturday morning, if I’m at home, you can find me enjoying one of my old favorite black and white…
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