
Category: Television Series

Temporary Seating That Closes Itself !

Quick-Seat Chair & The Standing Room Only Job

With Thanks To The Leverage TV Series Well, there I was one fine summer night when New Jersey still had an opera season in Princeton. I had just discovered that one of my favorite operas was playing that evening. Checking the clock, I would have just enough time to put on my ‘going to the…
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Quick-Seat Chair & The Standing Room Only Job With Thanks To The Leverage TV Series

Well, there I was one fine summer night when New Jersey still had an opera season in Princeton. I had just discovered that one of my favorite operas was playing that evening. Checking the clock, I would have just enough time to put on my ‘going to the opera’ dress and fly on the wings…
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Quick-Seat Chair in Hollywood: The Millionaire TV Series.

When I was a kid growing up in the 1950’s and 60’s, there was a popular television series, The Millionaire. Mysteriously, each week a well-dressed polite stranger would arrive at a new home or apartment, ring the front door bell and introduced himself. He was Mr. Anthony, played by Marvin Miller. Briefly, he would explain…
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Nero Wolfe and Quick-Seat Chair Solves The Case

If Quick-Seat Chairs could talk, they would have some great stories to tell.  As a fan of Nero Wolfe author, Rex Stout, and having written a couple of Nero Wolfe stories myself, I can think of one story in particular where Quick-Seat Chairs could really tell a story. So I’ll tell you exactly what the…
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The New Quick-Seat Chair Vintage Rail Journey Series All Aboard! The Flying Scotsman

Being a lover of all things ‘railroad’ with fondest memories of riding the rails in overnight sleeper cars to Florida as a child, it’s impossible for me to watch a movie that takes place on a train and not notice how much more comfortable the crew and wait staffs would be if only they had…
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