Being Successful And Stressed – The Journey To Shangri La – The Quick-Seat Chair Stress Management Program Part : 21

By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator
Professional Desk Companion: Your Journal: Section 4:
How to Beat the Stress of Commuting
The old quote: “Happiness is a way of travel, not a means to an end,” expresses the right idea. We can choose to be relaxed and comfortable or we can choose that everything and everyone is going to be a problem. And with today’s escalating traffic problems that can turn into a real issue.
Check out some of these unique tips to make your driving time more meaningful and less stressful regardless of traffic or detours.
- To begin, first, make sure that your car is absolutely neat and clean. Make it a habit of always taking 5 minutes to wipe it down inside at the end of each week’s working commute, and fill up the tank. Keep your auto in good maintenance with a reliable service station. If you keep your car neat with 5 minutes of a wipe down, you’ll never have to clean the car again taking time away from weekends or holiday time. Collect anything that doesn’t belong in your car and put it away. A messy car is a stressful car.

- -Make sure that all of your auto documents and license are up to date and in a secure case where they are easy to find should you need them.
- Next, find a basket or attractive storage bin in which to put comfortable items that will store well in the car. Set up some small zippered pouches with various necessities, like any over-the-counter pain relievers, vitamin C lozenges, breakfast bars, postage stamps, small-size hand lotion, and aromatherapy roll-on aromatherapy oil. Perhaps a magazine or paperback book in case you do get stuck in traffic. I’ve found that keeping my favorite comic books in the car mysteriously causes traffic to open back up. It seems the minute I start to enjoy reading them, like magic, I have to put them down.
- -If your commute is along a toll road or has many traffic lights where you get stuck regularly, designate each light and tollbooth to remember a loved one. That way when you approach the tollbooth, you’ll be thinking, “This is mom’s booth.” You can even play a little game and designate that when you pass this toll booth you are ‘going past Go and will receive $200.’ Or you can say a short prayer for a loved one. You can’t imagine how it helps with stress until you try it.
- -Think of your commute as an adventure. Find new ways to get to and from your destination points. Is there a little café or antique shop on the way? An interesting lookout point? Could you carve 5 minutes from your drive to enjoy that and remove yourself from the endless loop of your drive?
- -Avoid listening to the fast-paced talk on the radio. Instead, create a playlist with soothing music, or audiobooks. Many are available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon, etc.
- Practice breathing quietly while driving by relaxing your stomach muscles and being aware of your shoulders and neck muscles. When stopped at a red light, try to breathe into your stomach.
- When time permits, take a minute or two to remain in your car before going inside. Close your eyes, take a breath, and relax your shoulders. Picture yourself getting everything done in a relaxed and efficient manner. Now think of something that makes you happy, no matter what. Now it’s time to go in. Do the same when you have to get back into your car the next day. Create a “reset calm” practice. It will only take a minute, but you’ll get lots of results.
- Have you had to wait in your car for someone that you knew would take a while? Amelia Earhart was an avid needleworker and always kept a box of needlework projects and sewing supplies to use on her long layovers. She was quoted as saying that there is a direct connection between needlework and flying planes. Perhaps you can achieve lift-off out of the parking lot or log-jammed roadway if you pick up a needle and thread for a small project. Quick-Seat Chair always lifts you.
Being successful and stressed is brought to you by a quick-seat chair.
Next month: Reducing Stress as a Passenger on a Bus, Train, or Plane
Quick-Seat Chair. Temporary Seating That Closes Itself