Sneaking Around with Quick-Seat Chair

By Khadi Madama Quick-Seat Chair Wellness Coordinator
There’s a science to sneaking around, all kidding aside. Recently, while fueling up at the gas station, I noticed that there was a contest going on. The Shoe Surgeon, a boutique sneaker design and lifestyle company, was running a design-a-sneaker contest with participation through one of the major candy bar companies. Since Quick-Seat Chairs are always somewhere hover-crafting in my mind, my mind went right to ‘enter the contest’ with the idea of creating and winning a sneaker designed with state of the art technology that improves mobility and that would display the Quick-Seat Chair logo and a catchy tag line. Now that would be pretty spiffy!
An example I remember was when my mother broke her leg years ago and finally got out of the cast. The orthopedic surgeon suggested that she wore sneakers instead of regular shoes, for safety’s sake. Better grip, ankle support, cushioned for spring-ability. My mother had never worn sneakers in her entire 75 years and even though we got a stylish pair with purple flames ‘for effect’, upon putting them on she remarked that she felt as if she looked like Minnie Mouse. I understood. They were very bulky. Years of working with rehab teams taught me that shoes were vital to safe walking (our middle name here at Quick-Seat Chair). The very day that she was completely back on her pins, the sneakers went right out. I certainly wasn’t going to wear them.
All that being said, the Shoe Surgeon has made sneaker designing an art and a science combining both function, art and specific purpose. Just like a Quick-Seat Chair. It’s a good thing. For how we walk, is enhanced or encumbered by what we wear on our feet. Many years ago, I received a gift of gorgeous expensive clogs that after a day of walking around a vendor event caused me to have lower back spasms strong enough to stop a horse. I can still remember that beautiful clunking sound they made as I tossed them into the trash bin. The downside of footwear is that it can deeply impact our mobility if we have any mobility issues. Some shoes tilt your hips forward putting your knees at risk, some are just plain slippery on some surfaces like marble, or highly polished wood floors, where a teeny bit of dust is a good thing! Others have hard arches which wreck havoc on your own foot arches, and my least favorite, the open toed house slippers that seem to get caught on the edges of the stairs as you climb. Yes-footwear! Friend or foe. This is where walking, footwear and Quick-Seat Chairs intersect, because we at the Quick-Seat Chair company are concerned that you are able to get safely to a Quick-Seat Chair when conditions cause you to need to sit.
The Quick-Seat Chair, although not a plush chaise lounge, is a total dream seat, an “Ace in the hole,” an oasis in the desert and a whole lot of other great metaphors. But, when you’re trying to look fashionable in heels, or dressy shoes and making your way to the doctor and your shoes are pinching, or the three pins in your ankle that are holding it together – post surgery are talking to you telling you that you are in excruciating pain, and there’s no place to sit in the cold sterile environment of the med-complex, you are now really be in a pickle. So what’s on your feet is worthy of concern.
I had hoped to gain an interview with Dominic Ciambrone, the founder of The Shoe Surgeon company, and maybe I will at some point. I do have a fun sneaker story about Chellie Campbell, who has perfected the wearing of comfortable, glamorous sneakers and being able to “sneak” into high end establishments wearing them. She is a former musical comedy actress best known for her Best Selling book The Wealthy Spirit and for wearing specially designed, comfortable, safe, golden sneakers with gold laces and bows. She literally sparkles as she walks. If you ever see a pretty lady sitting on a Quick-Seat Chair wearing gold sparkly sneakers, introduce yourself and get an autograph. The point is, what’s on your feet helps to get you where your going and safety must come first.
When I bought the requisite candy bar so that I could enter the contest with my Quick-Seat Chair sneaker idea, I discovered that the contest had just expired. I had missed by one day. I was truly disappointed because I know about walking, walking exercise programs, walking while in recovery from an injury, and shoes. I know all about that and I know about how important having a place to sit when ambulation becomes labored and downright painful. Most of all, I know the crucial part that Quick-Seat Chairs have played over the years, strategically placed, in tiny cubicles, long industrial hallways, nature trails, stair landings where no other chair would safely fit, hospitals and stores where there are no chairs or benches anywhere because either there isn’t a safety code or room for them.
Although Quick-seat Chairs will open with a mere light touch of the hand, they will also open very easily with a light touch of the toe no matter what you have on your feet, however, we at Quick-Seat Chair encourage you to discover which footwear is best for your particular ambulation and mobility concerns. Check with your orthopedic professional before you purchase your new footwear. Make sure lighting in and around your home makes stairs visible, make sure carpets won’t slip. We’ll be there to seat you, safely and securely. We just want you to be able to get to us when you just need ‘to sit awhile.’
Quick-Seat Chairs. Temporary Seating That Closes Itself.